How to take fly agaric
For many centuries, mushrooms have been eaten not only as a nutritious raw material, but also for medicinal purposes, as well as for the purposes of expanding consciousness. However, when using mushrooms, in particular fly agarics, extreme caution must be observed: the toxins contained in the body of mushrooms tend to accumulate in the human body. The cumulative effect may not manifest itself immediately, but after a rather long period of time and harm a person.

In order to achieve the desired result without harming yourself, you need to follow a number of rules:
- Since all mushrooms accumulate in fruiting bodies everything that water, earth and air are rich in, it is categorically not recommended to collect fly agaric along roads and in narrow forest protection belts near the highway. The same story with mushrooms grown in the city, in cemeteries, landfills, wastelands - there is nothing useful in them, but there is every chance to worsen your health. Instead of expanding your consciousness, you can easily narrow your world down to the confines of a hospital ward.
- Before using fly agarics, they must be properly prepared, and freshly pulled into the mouth is deadly. Strong hats must be sorted out and dried at a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees. This can be done using an oven with a convection mode (if there is no such mode, dry with the door slightly open) or in a household dryer for vegetables and fruits in the "mushrooms" mode. To speed up the process, you can cut the hats into plates. The maximum amount of harmful substances from the soil accumulates in the legs of mushrooms, therefore they are usually not eaten.
- mushroom toxins accumulate in the body and can take effect at the most inopportune moment, after a few hours. For example, at work or in transport. This feature must always be remembered.
Subject to the above rules, the effect will be obtained without any problems with health and society. Oh yes! It is not worth spreading about your culinary experiments in a circle of unprepared persons: the ghost of Hamlet's father is nothing compared to a living real policeman, who may well be called upon by surrounding well-wishers.

What is fly agaric microdosing?
Microdosin (anything, including fly agarics) is a long-known method of safely accustoming the body to poisons, toxins and alkaloids. Its essence is the constant intake of homeopathic doses of solutions and powders based on red fly agaric. This method is safe for the experimenter's body and eliminates the risk of overdose or poisoning: human systems gradually get used to the introduction of microdoses into them, build them into the metabolism and learn to benefit from the natural stimulant. The effect of such a technique is smeared over time, it is visually invisible to others and does not damage either business reputation or life in society.
Over time, the user understands exactly what dose his body needs to take in order to get exceptionally pleasant effects in the form of hot flashes and expansion of consciousness, but not harm his own body.

Clinical benefits of fly agarics
In addition to the psycho-emotional component, there are also completely physiological results of the use of these ancient mushrooms:
- They soften the jumps in blood pressure, put in order the balance of fluids in the body;
- The immune system "wakes up", begins to work actively. A person gets sick less often during seasonal epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, tolerates diseases more easily, recovers and recovers faster;
- Smooth muscles come to the necessary tone, spasms and colic disappear, muscles cease to contract (including during sleep);
- If there are intestinal parasites in the body, dried fly agaric does not leave them a single chance.;
- Thinking accelerates. Both hemispheres begin to work more actively, creative principles manifest themselves, the boundaries of consciousness expand;
- The person calms down. Sleep improves, the nervous system slowly recovers and returns to normal. Anxiety and constant fatigue go away, a person feels cheerful and positive, working capacity and labor productivity increase, new fresh ideas gush.
The undoubted benefits of taking dried fly agaric are achievable only if the product is used from high-quality and properly prepared raw materials and with the necessary precautions.