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Amanita » Fly agaric microdosing » Microdosing of red fly agaric

Николай Бондаренко общественный и политический деятель России


Microdosing of red fly agaric

The dosage of microdosing of red fly agaric is different for each person, since we have a different body and tolerance of certain treatment drugs, but it balances in the region from 0.7 to 1.5 grams of dry red fly agaric per day. You can determine your dosage on your own within three days. Start taking fly agaric with a small weight, about 0.3 grams per day, and increase the microdosing every day to 1.5 grams, as a result:

  • 1 day - 0.3 g
  • Day 2 - 0.7 g
  • Day 3 - 1 gr.
  • Day 4 - 1.5 g

Microdosing of red fly agarics
Figure out your effective red fly agaric microdosing dosage this way, so that it doesn't cause you to have a mind shift, but borders on it. Microdosing can be divided into two doses, morning and evening.

Usually, people, having found their dosage, begin to feel a surge of energy, talkativeness and a slight fly-agaric intoxication. If you start to feel sleepy and feel weak, reduce the dosage the next day in order to find a middle ground.

The number of doses per day also needs to be established personally through experiments to understand when microdosing of red fly agaric is best for you, in the morning, before bedtime, or a few hours before bedtime.

The course of microdosing with red fly agaric takes from one to three months, during the period of use you can take one day of break once a week, after the whole course you need to take a break of one month, after which you can continue microdosing your diseases, which cures red fly agaric, we have described on our website.

Microdosing with red fly agaric

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